I was packing and came across my photo album. And i recalled sth. Since i was 13 years old, ppl started telling me that i look old. 13 years old aka i reached my *ehem* puberty. I know many of my coursemates and friends might not believe me cuz according to them, i look young.
So here's some pics of me, from the age of a few months till recent. Trust me, i may look young before 12, but i do look old after that.
To start off, me being a baby!
I love this pic of me..feels like i was going to cry..lol
This was when i was..5? Cant rmbr. I think it was my birthday.XD
When i was 9, with my cousin's taiwanese wife. Seriously, she looks a lot better without make up. The heavy make up just ruins the natural beauty she has.=.=
When i was 11, at genting. I still looked young then, right?
Few yrs later..
I looked like this...
How old do u think i was then? I look old don't i? I was 14..FOURTEEN!! And i already look like this..-_-"This was me last year.
And me last month.
Just compare this two to when i was 14. Seriously. Wen yi, TRUST ME when i say i understand how u feel when ppl say u look old...errr..i mean matured!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Once upon a time...
Posted by renly at 9:44 PM 4 comments
Memoirs of IMH (Institute of Mental Health)
Patient A: "So how... this book not bad yah?"
Patient B: "Yah agree, excellent! Astounding work. No nonsense, sharp and concise to the point. But there's a major flaw in this piece of art – too many character names to remember!!!"
Nurse: "Hey! Can the two of you put the telephone book back to the original place?"
A doctor asked a patient: "If I were to cut one of your ears off, what will happen to you?"
Patient: "Then I will not be able to hear..."
Doctor: "Hmm…that's normal...so if I were to cut your other ear off, what will happen then?"
Patient: "I will not be able to see..."
The doctor became nervous and asked: "Why would you not see then???"
Patient: "Because my spectacles will fall off..."
IMH has an old lady who wears black, carries a black umbrella and squats at the entrance to the IMH everyday without fail, rain or shine.
The doctor wanted to administer treatment for her but decided to understand her behavior first.
So, the doctor also wears black and carries a black umbrella; squatted besides her everyday. The days go by...the two of them squatted side-by-side w/o a single exchange of word. After one solid month, the old lady finally broke the silence and asked the doctor: "Err...Excuse me! Are you also a mushroom?"
A nurse saw a patient writing a letter. She got curious and went to take a peek. But the patient didn't wanna let her see.
Nurse (unable to contain her curiosity): "Who are you writing to?"
Patient: "I'm writing a letter to myself..."
Her curiosity grew and she thought to herself (Why would someone write a letter to himself?)
So she asked again: "So....what's written inside?"
Patient (got impatient): "You crazy ah? I haven't received the letter, how would I know??"
Two patients escape from the IMH. They climbed up a tree and one of them fell from the tree and started rolling on the ground.
After a while, the patient below shouted to the one on top: "Hey! How come you are not coming down yet?"
The patient on top replied: "No. no...I can't...I'm not ripe yet"
One patient visited the doctor: "Doc...How? I think I'm a chicken since the day I was born..."
Doctor: "Wah! That’s very serious...Why do you only come and seek treatment now?"
Patient: "Because my family needs me to hatch the eggs..."
One truck driver was doing his usual delivery to IMH.
He discovered a flat tyre when he was about to go home. He jacked up the truck and took the flat tyre down. When he was about to fix the spare tyre, he accidentally dropped all the bolts into the drain. As he can't fish the bolts out, he started to panic.
One patient happened to walk past and asked the driver what happened.
The driver thought to himself, since there's nothing much he can do; he told the patient the whole incident.
The patient laughed at him & said "can't even fix such a simple problem...no wonder you are destined to be a truck driver..."
Here’s what you can do, take one bolt each from the other 3 tyres and fix it onto this tyre. Then drive to the nearest workshop and replace the missing ones, easy as that"
The driver was very impressed and asked "You're so smart but why are you here at the IMH?"
Patient replied: "Hello, I stay here because I'm crazy not STUPID!"
Posted by renly at 11:59 AM 3 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Ethan Bortnick
I finally have the time to check all my forwarded emails! Some i've seen and read before, some worthy of note, and ONE particularly appealing!
Ethan Bortnick, a child prodigy pianist, age 6 when he first appeared in tv on 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno' in 2007, i.e. the video posted here.=)
It's absolutely entralling, he even composes his own songs! And trust me, it's no mere 'London bridge is falling down' or 'Mary had a little lamb'.
Posted by renly at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Star, Friday 22 May 2009
Hmmm, we just went to BTN camp last week and this week there's an article (BTN course teaches disunity) sent in to The Star by 'Disappointed', from BUKIT JALIL. A coincidence perhaps.=P
If you're interested, read it here.=)
Posted by renly at 12:12 AM 5 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Some pics from BTN camp
Wen yi has FINALLY updated her blog on BTN camp. Which can only mean one thing. I'm gonna link to her blog for those who want to see pics and details on the things we did at the camp. How kind of me.*ngiek ngiek ngiek*
Here u go.
11-15 May 2009: BTN Camp
Posted by renly at 10:50 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
BTN camp=D
I'm back from 5 days of BTN camp and IT WAS SO FUN!!haha..weird? Well, that's because the supposed brain-washing camp turned out to be not brain-washing at all! Thanks to the beloved facilitator i got for my group. I was in Group 6.^^ And Group 6 rocks!!XD
Well, since anyone can read my blog, i shall not mention much about things my faci did; both in life, and with us. Don't want to get anyone into trouble.=P But basically, i was really shocked at the fact that:
1) He is really really nice and patient.(One guy in my group day-dream most of the times, and he's very ok even when we don't respond to him)
2) He did many 'not so legal things' when he was younger.
3) He has very 'interesting' ideas when it comes to crime and politics.(cunning in a way..=P)
4) He respects whichever language we prefer to speak in. Be it English or Bahasa Malaysia. Which i doubt any other faci would allow. He can speak some Hokkien by the way.
5) He is very open when it comes to talking about politics, current and sensitive issues.
6) He rears dogs, since he was a kid. And u know how Malays don't want to get near dogs.
7) He's very acceptive of other religions. I can definitely see it from the stories he told us bout his Chinese and Indian friends.
8) The list will go indefinite if i continue...so i shall stop.=P
Well, of course, besides our preeminent facilitator, the physical activies were great too! Jungle trekking, abseiling from a height of 28m (if im not mistaken), running for 2km, etc were indeed fun. And abseiling was a lot easier than i thought!=D
And finally, my lovely groupmates. Some were more proactive, while some were rather quiet. But all very co-operative, ideas flooding in when it comes to our persembahan of the song 'Malaysiaku Gemilang'
We made a bond, and i'm truly glad to have met them.=) I even bumped into one of them in sunway pyramd ystd. Sungguh ada jodoh.XD
Posted by renly at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
My Friendster account is highjacked-_-"
Who still logs in to their friendster account nowadays? The last time i logged in was i think 2 months ago, mayb 3. And the last last time i logged in was probably half a year ago.
Anyway, yesterday i suddenly thought of my friendster account so decided to log in.
My usual e-mail and password.
Was shocked to see this. The email address u entered is not a valid login???
So i re-typed my email and password. But the same thing appeared. Although i was confident that was the correct email i used, i tried with other emails that i have, and with all the possible passwords. Attempts in vain.=(
At first i thought my account has been deleted cuz i didn't log in for too long a time. Anyhow i decided to google myself.
And look! There am i!
Clicked on it and this girl appeared.
I ignored it cuz obviously that account doesn't belong to me..duh...*oblivious that it was actually mine*
So i logged in Kenneth's account to find myself. And was shocked to see that 'BUNGA' girl was his featured friend. In place of me!
Clicked on her. And realised ALL THE INFO of 'her' is exactly the same as mine. Well, of course, except my name, photo, and location!! And some additional irritating guys' testimonials. All my albums are still there, except that the photos in them have been deleted.
How could this have happened!!! I didn't log in in any other computer except my own! Anyway, i've deleted her from Kenneth's friendster. And so to you guys who still have 'me' as your friend, please delete it as well! Thank you=)
Posted by renly at 10:23 PM 10 comments