Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fly me to Glasgow

I'm leaving.=( Although i know one year is a relatively short time, i still feel very much anxious. Nope, it's not excitement, sadly. Maybe i need some SSRI or SNRI or TCA or benzodiazepine.=.=

Anyway, here's my flight details:

KL-London (MAS)
KL 9 June 2009: ETD (Estimated time of departure)-11.40pm
London 10 June 2009: ETA (Est. time of arrival)-5.50am

London-Glasgow (British Midland)
London 10 June 2009: ETD-11.05am
Glasgow 10 June 2009: ETA-12.35pm

So those of you in UK, Germany, France, Czech etc...i might just appear at your doorstep.=) Except for Kenneth, you have to come pick me up, if not i simply run.*ngiek ngiek ngiek*


mil0chel said...

lol except for kenneth... terrible gf la you..


i'll do the same as well.. visit everyone except your bf and wait for him to visit you..

that's how it works doesnt it ?

renly said...

Hahaha then u r worse than me! Cuz i will definitely go germany find him!

But everything there is in german! I wont understand a thing so i will get so lost there..tat's why need him ma..hehe